Wow, what a month! First, I want to wish everyone good health during this very difficult time in our history. Together we will get through this and with the strength of unity will meet this challenge head on.
Regarding the Edmonton real estate activity, as demonstrated in the graphic, people are still buying and selling homes. That said, it doesn’t truly reflect the decline in activity which occurred in the last half of the month.
It should be no surprise that the need to maintain social distancing has severely restricted the activities of buyers and sellers. As Realtors we are taking our responsibility to minimize the spread of COVID-19 seriously and have implemented stringent procedures to limit as much as possible, a client’s risk to exposure. Some of these procedures include confirming the buyer and seller’s health status prior to approving any viewings along with the requirement to wear nitrile gloves, masks and use hand sanitizer.
We appreciate the patience and support of everyone who might need to buy or sell in this market.